Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Ian Maynard, 32, Kevin Anthony Campbell, 23, Mark Anthony Holmes, 22, and Paul Matthew Burke, 23,convicted

Ian Maynard, 32, Kevin Anthony Campbell, 23, Mark Anthony Holmes, 22, and Paul Matthew Burke, 23, All four admitted conspiring to supply Class A, B and C drugs – cocaine, amphetamine and cannabis – at Teesside Crown Court yesterday. More than £300,000 worth of drugs, along with a steel press, a sawn-off shotgun and cartridges, kilos of bulking agents and drugs paraphernalia were seized in Middlesbrough and Guisborough. The haul came from a drugs factory set up in Campbell’s Guisborough flat, three shipping containers and a car. The seized drugs had an estimated street value of between £500,000 and £840,000. Campbell also pleaded guilty to possession of an illegal firearm.