Monday, 9 May 2011

You’re only as sick as your secrets

You’re only as sick as your secrets – A.A. aphorism

Among the supposed detriments of anonymity identified in David Coleman’s article Challenging the Second ‘A’ in A.A. are:

the supposed restriction on using one’s last name at A.A. meetings;
the alleged need for sober public role models;
the purported ban on disclosing one’s participation in A.A.;
the apparent inability to get Angie’s List or Yelp type references for “the best” or “most effective” A.A. meetings;
the belief that anonymity signals shame;
the assertion that anonymity “may only be contributing to general confusion and prejudice”; and,
the suggestion that public disclosure of one’s participation in A.A. is the only or best way to remove any stigma that might still be associated with alcoholism or drug addiction.
When properly understood, the principle of anonymity – A.A.’s “spiritual foundation” – does not erect any roadblocks to one alcoholic sharing his experience with others nor restrict access to information about the benefits (and many irritations) of “the Program.”

Communications at the Level of Press, Radio and Film

The twelve “traditions” that guide A.A.’s organizational conduct suggest that its members “maintain anonymity at the level of press, radio and films.” As Colman notes in his New York Times article, the age of the internet has raised questions about what channels of communication other than, say, the Los Angeles Times or CNN, fall within this restriction.

Facebook, for example, is a quasi-public space – one in which the user is free to set his or her own privacy boundaries. One’s Facebook friends can be limited to family and real friends – the people that word originally described – ones you’ve not only met face-to-face, but whose house you can picture, refrigerator you’re free to open, and whose voice you recognize over the telephone. People you can call at 3 a.m. when you learn your teen-aged daughter has broken out of rehab in Utah again.

These people – let’s call them “true friend” Facebookers – are free to facebook (verb) anything they want about their own A.A. experiences. Their Facebook page is more like group correspondence – the annual family holiday letter, say – than like a blog to which the entire world has access.

Rule of thumb – if your Facebook postings can be found on the internet, you’re operating at the level of “press.” If not, not. This solves the twitter question as well since every tweet is posted on the internet for anyone to peruse even if only your followers can see them in their twitter stream. So twitter operates at the level of “press” no matter how small your network.

If you “out” yourself as a member of Alcoholics Anonymous in public (as David Colman did on the front page of Sunday’s Style section) you are not maintaining anonymity. If you tell your family and friends that you just celebrated your first A.A. birthday or “slipped” or attend the “Log Cabin” meeting every morning at seven-thirty, you are not breaking anonymity unless your primary channel of communication is People Magazine. Charlie Sheen comes to mind.

Role Models and the Freedom to Express One’s Recovery Story

Because I have many friends who found sobriety in A.A., I’ve heard many stories about “how it works.”  Since most A.A. meetings are open to the public, there is no shortage of role models nor any limitation on “outsider’s” access to A.A. information. I’ve heard that there are more than 3,000 meetings every week in Los Angeles, most of which can be found here. Those New York City meetings where Colman says he’s greeted artists he’s interviewed “or a fashion designer I want to” or seen “well-known actors and authors up on the dais” sharing their stories can be found here.

Most A.A. meetings open with a “share” or “pitch” where members describe what their life was like prior to achieving sobriety, what made them realize they were “addicts” or “alcoholics” and what their life has been like since they stopped drinking or using (“what it was like, what happened, and what it’s like now”).

According to anthropologists and psychologists who have studied A.A. as a program of folk healing, this story telling tradition permits the alcoholic to

reaffirm an identity with his or her former self (I am the person who did these things, the person who takes responsibility for these things) even as he or she creates (with each retelling) an increasing sense of distance from that self.

One may, during the moments of confession, bring yet another aspect of one’s ego, one’s sense of shame or remorse about past events, before God and an audience so that it has less power over him or her.

The speaker reaffirms his or her present persona, his or her identity as a recovering alcoholic, which entails membership within a community, which is an identification with a future self, the self that the speaker promises to become.

According to A.A. oral tradition and literature, if you go to enough meetings, you will eventually hear your own story told, enabling the addict or alcoholic in need of recovery to identify and seek assistance within the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Some recovering alcoholics are fond of turning this concept on its head by saying that if you haven’t been to a meeting or encountered a speaker you hate, you haven’t gone to enough meetings. So much for Yelp and Angie’s List.

Why Anyone Other than an Addict or Alcoholic Should Care

You likely expect me to say that everyone knows or is related to someone who could use a healing community like A.A. or one of the dozens of recovery programs it has spawned – N.A., C.A., Alanon, M.A., and S.A. to name just a few. I have one self-described “old fashioned single substance” alcoholic friend who frequented Marijuana Anonymous meetings because they were so “mellow” and another self-identified alcoholic acquaintance who attended N.A. meetings because they were so “raw.”

In other words, you don’t need to “identify” as any type of substance abuser at a 12-step meeting if you’re just Anonymous-Curious.