Oz taxpayers’ money funding guide to snorting cocaine, other party drugs | World News: "The Australian taxpayers’ money is being used to fund a guide on ways to inject, snort, and swallow cocaine and other party drugs.
The guide, however, is being released under the guise of AIDS prevention.
The guide titled ‘Routes of Administration’, is being published by the former AIDS Council of NSW, now known as ACON, which was set up to promote health and reduce HIV transmission in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community, reports News.com.au.
The document, available at ACON’s offices and via the Internet, includes tips such as: finely chop powdered drugs before inhaling, alternate nostrils and rinse nostrils after snorting – using common house and office utensils.
Warning readers not to mix up their utensils with those of other people, the guide advises: “Using post-it notes with your name on is an easy way to keep track of your own equipment.”
What is the justification for such a guide you ask? They say Hepatitis C can be passed on from sharing equipment.
However, the guide doesn’t have many takers. Gay activist Gary Burns, most widely known as the man who sued radio broadcaster John Laws for vilification against homosexuals, believes that the guide is “dangerous”."
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