Thursday, 3 January 2008

drugs mule has been arrested with 100 drug filled condoms with a total street value of £60,000.

British Customs officers have found hollowed-out coat hangers, which can each hoard cocaine worth £5,000, converted buttons, curtain beads, shoes and suitcases.
Converted padded bras stuffed with up to £50,000 worth of cocaine is the latest inventive way smugglers are trying to get drugs into the UK. modified lingerie contains secret pouches and can only be discovered if a trafficker is strip-searched or asked to go through a scanner. Tins of fruit juice have been used, where cocaine powder is dissolved into a solution, replacing the original liquid in the tin. A new label is put on after the side is punctured to put drugs inside.Drug mules are also swallowing drug filled condoms, each containing 12 grams of cocaine. The plastc bags, shaped like sausages, could be deadly if they exploded in the trafficker's stomach.Drug-filled plastic containers in the shape of sausages are ingested .According to customs officials the drugs are mostly coming from West Africa.

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