Friday, 18 January 2008

John Cataneo

John Cataneo, 27, of 9134 48th Ave., Elmhurst, N.Y., was arrested on charges of possession of marijuana. Police said they found a hypodermic needle in his pants pocket, and a marijuana smoking pipe with residue. They later found what they believed to be prescription drugs in Cataneo's belongings. Lane said that Cataneo was in town for a relative's funeral. Police found outstanding default warrants for his arrest.
Elsewhere in the apartment, police found heroin-related paraphernalia with remnants of heroin residue; more than 100 used and unused hypodermic needles and syringes; an assortment of prescription drugs, some inside a sneaker; marijuana and smoking pipes; items used for packaging heroin and money they believed was drug-dealing proceeds.

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  • John CataneoJohn Cataneo, 27, of 9134 48th Ave., Elmhurst, N.Y., was arrested on charges of possession of marijuana. Police said they found a hypodermic needle in his pants pocket, and a marijuana smoking pipe with residue. They later fo… Read More