Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Rico Marzano

Marzano has a Web page posted on a prison pen pal Web site called Friends Beyond The Wall. Binetti said that Marzano is not allowed Internet access, and he said the page might have been set up by mail, or possibly with help from a friend.
On the page, Marzano includes photos of himself including one where he poses like a body-builder -- and states that he's looking to correspond with women. He describes himself as an Italian-American, who is "very friendly" and has a "great sense of humor."
"Everyone's looking for that one true soul mate in their life, someone that really makes them happy," Marzano wrote. "Maybe we can find what we are looking for together."
Rico Marzano,ran from a building at the Jessup Correctional Institution . He tried to climb a security fence, which is topped with razor wire, corrections officials said. He triggered electronic motion sensors, and officers ran to him and pulled him off the fence, they said.
Rick Binetti, spokesman for the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, said officials are investigating how Marzano managed to leave one of the buildings.
"It's unclear how he got out of the facility, but we have these redundant systems set up" to catch inmates who try to escape, Binetti said. "That's the reason why we have layers of security."
Marzano was serving four life sentences for killing two women and their husbands during a drug dispute in Bowleys Quarters in September 1987. The victims were found lying face-down and had been shot in the backs of their heads, according to news reports at the time.
Marzano confessed to the killings, telling authorities that he did it to steal 50 pounds of marijuana worth about $70,000 at the time. While in jail awaiting trial, Baltimore County authorities caught him plotting an escape from the county detention center.
Hours after he was convicted for the murder in June 1987, Marzano briefly escaped from Maryland State Police troopers who were escorting him back to prison. He kicked out the window of a police cruiser and ran away on foot before troopers caught him.
According to electronic court records, Marzano has been incarcerated in at least two different maximum-security prisons in Maryland: Supermax in Baltimore and the Maryland House of Correction-Annex, which is now called the Jessup Correctional Institution.
Marzano may have also previously stayed at the North Branch Correctional Institution, a new maximum-security prison near Cumberland. He listed that prison as the address for people to send letters to him.

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  • Rico MarzanoMarzano has a Web page posted on a prison pen pal Web site called Friends Beyond The Wall. Binetti said that Marzano is not allowed Internet access, and he said the page might have been set up by mail, or possibly with help f… Read More


Beverly said...

Rico has been moved back to Super Max after his latest escape attempt. Two of the people he killed were pregnant, 5 and 7 months along. Two of the people he killed he did not know. He was angry at one of the women who he had attempted to buy pot from earlier in the day. He has been in prison for 21 years. He murdered on 9-3-87. He should remain behind bars forever considering the damage he caused in his short 18 years.

Ditzzeechick said...

Rico went under the radar for a year due to trouble he managed to find while at Cumberland Western Correctional. I believe he's back there now living the life of a convicted murderer. Ya know another murderer might say he's not such a bad guy. Just remember this guy got access to a pc, posted a page on Friends Behind Bars stating he was a sensitive artist due to be released in a couple of years when in actuality he'll never be released from prison. I believe his lastest gig included helping his father (who was convicted under federal tax statutes) of getting SS# of convicted felons so they could file false tax returns. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.