Monday, 14 January 2008

Wanted In Yuma:Francisco Avila,Carlos Aguirre-Barrena ,Fernando Cano ,Carlos Aguirre-Barrena,Fernando Cano

Everette Hight - Male, 42. Height 5 feet 7 inches, weight 150. Brown hair, brown eyes. Aliases: Glen Hight, Douglas William Hight, Everette Glenn Hight. Tattoos: "Christina" on right arm, two women's faces, a skull and roses on left arm, a teardrop under the left eye, "Everette Jr." on the chest. His probation violation is for the original conviction of attempted failure to register as a sex offender, a Class 5 felony.
Francisco Avila - Male, 30. Height 5 feet 9 inches, weight 240. Brown hair, brown eyes. Aliases: Francisco Javier Avila Junior, Frank Avila. His probation violation is for the original conviction of possession of drug paraphernalia, an undesignated offense.
Carlos Aguirre-Barrena - Male, 33. Height 5 feet 6 inches, weight 170. Black hair, brown eyes. Aliases: Carlos Aguirre, Carlos Barrena. His probation violations are for the original convictions of attempted burglary in the second degree, a Class 4 felony and possession of drug paraphernalia, a Class 6 felony.
Fernando Cano - Male, 28. Height 5 feet, weight 130. Black hair, brown eyes. Alias: Fernando Granados Cano. His probation violations are for the original convictions of aggravated driving while under the influence of drugs while license suspended, a Class 4 felony, and aggravated driving while under the influence of drugs while a minor is present, a Class 6 felony.

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