Friday, 6 June 2008

Superior Court judge has indicated she will decide later this month whether Daniel Twomey can enter a special program for drug-addicted offenders

Superior Court judge has indicated she will decide later this month whether a Bergen County man accused of coaching his toddler granddaughter to steal a Seaside Heights arcade worker's purse can enter a special program for drug-addicted offenders.
Judge Barbara Ann Villano said she first wanted to review findings of a drug and alcohol evaluation of Daniel Twomey before she decides whether he will be allowed to enter drug court, a form of rigorous probation in lieu of state prison for defendants whose criminal behavior stems from addiction.
Villano indicated she would make a decision on June 19, said Senior Assistant Ocean County Prosecutor John Foti, who handles drug-court cases for the Prosecutor's Office.Foti had rejected Twomey's application to drug court, saying that with 18 prior convictions dating to 1973, mostly for burglaries and thefts, the 52-year-old Teaneck man was not an appropriate candidate. Twomey appealed Foti's decision to Villano, who presides over drug court.Twomey was captured on a videotape last year allegedly coaching his 4-year-old granddaughter to steal an arcade worker's pocketbook on the Seaside Heights boardwalk.He was arrested in Greenwich, Conn., on Sept. 29 after a television station aired the videotape.On it, a man alleged to be Twomey is seen pushing a young girl under a security door at Lucky Leo's Arcade to steal the employee's purse. The incident happened about 12:15 a.m. on Sept. 16.
Twomey was charged in a February indictment with employing a child to commit a crime and two counts of child-endangerment related to the incident at the arcade. Each of the charges carries a five- to 10-year prison term upon conviction.In addition to his granddaughter, Twomey's 8-year-old grandson was with him at the arcade, authorities said.The indictment also charged Twomey with two counts of theft and one count of receiving stolen property, all charges carrying maximum prison terms of five years.Twomey remains in the Ocean County Jail.

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megha said...

looks like to me he is druggie. drug can compel you to do bad things .very bad indeed