Monday, 1 September 2008

Ricky Smith, Thomas John French, and Thomas Yates found guilty of smuggling nearly 4kg of powder containing cocaine into Britain

Ricky Smith, 22-year-old roofer Thomas John French, and Thomas Yates, a 26-year-old carpenter, were sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court
The three were found guilty of smuggling nearly 4kg of powder containing cocaine into Britain through the UK-controlled zone in Coquelles, France. The seized drugs had an estimated street value of £542,000 and were found to contain 2.95kgs of 100 per cent pure cocaine, according to investigators.The court heard that French, of Eastfield, Waltham Cross, was stopped by HM Revenue & Customs officers on the November 27 2006. French told officers that he had been to Calais to buy beer and wine for Christmas. On searching the vehicle, officers found a number of mixed cases of beer and soft drinks and hidden within two of the cases of beer they found three taped packages. The contents of the packages were initially field tested and later forensically analysed showing them to contain cocaine, the court was told.Further investigation and evidence showed Yates, of Monks Closes in Broxbourne, and Smith of Windsor Drive on Sele Farm, to be implicated in the importation. They had travelled independently to Calais via the ferry from Dover, meeting French there and returning to the UK via the Channel Tunnel at the same time.Yates has since absconded and a European Arrest Warrant has been issued for his arrest. He was sentenced in his absence.On sentencing, Judge Adele Williams said: "Cocaine is a dangerous and pernicious drug causing harm to young people and whilst taking account of previous good characters, the sentences imposed match the crime."The case was prosecuted by the Revenue & Customs Prosecutions Office. Smith was sentenced to 12 years, French 10 years and Yates 12 years. Afterwards, Stephen Clement of HM Revenue & Customs, said: "The sentence handed down by the court today will act as a deterrent to those involved in drug trafficking and clearly shows that crime doesn't pay."

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