Thursday, 26 June 2014

BREAKING the Candy Crush habit.It Could Be Destroying Your Life

You sure have seen and heard of this game, even when you are fortunate enough to have avoided falling prey to this monster. While the brains behind this phenomenon continue to make millions, we present to you a list of reasons why you should not be playing this game. 1. It is simple. What do you have to do actually? Just arrange some candies in a row, right? Why would you want to spend your valuable time doing that? 2. It is destructive. Even if you don't pity your watches that you bought with your hard-earned money, and continue wasting your time playing a game, shouldn't your be playing something constructive? What's with the fetish to destroy things? 3. It is addictive. Yes, that 'only one more level' phase never seems to end. Ask yourself. 4. You can't anyway play it whenever you wish. Remember the 30-minute wait that never seems to end? High time you decide, who is the boss of your life? 5. You are most likely to spend some money when you are just about to complete a level, and are out of lives or moves or charms or whatever fancy words you can use. 6. You are most probably turned into a spammer. Yes, the repeated notifications in your friends' Facebook profiles and the continued Can you please give me a ticket face that you make when you meet your friends is not good for your reputation. 7. You can never complete it. Yes, even when you spend precious hours of your life hitting the keyboard or swiping the screen of your cell, you can never finish it because the last level is always under construction. Well, I hope that I have made my point clear and you would gather the courage to uninstall the game from your cell, system, and life. Happy quitting!

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