Wednesday, 25 July 2007

All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Misuse launches inquiry into misuse of prescription and over-the-counter drugs

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Misuse (APPGDM), a cross-party group of MPs and Peers, is today launching a new inquiry into the scale and nature of prescription-only and over-the-counter drug misuse.

The inquiry, facilitated by DrugScope, will provide an in depth study of an area of drug misuse that is often unrecognised despite, it is believed, affecting thousands of people in the UK. The inquiry is inviting evidence from across the drug treatment, pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors, as well as from the general public, in an effort to ascertain the current scale and nature of the problem, including trends and patterns of misuse. APPGDM members are particularly keen to hear from members of the public who have been affected by prescription-only and over-the-counter drug misuse.