Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Alan Simms, Mark Duncan, Mark Hargreaves and Graham Haylock jailed for a combined total of 16 years.

Alan Simms, Mark Duncan, Mark Hargreaves and Graham Haylock jailed for a combined total of 16 years.Teesside Crown Court heard that the heroin dealing operation was run from the Bay View Hotel on Newcomen Terrace, Redcar.In January last year, shortly after being released from prison, Duncan got involved by allowing Haylock to use his phone to make deals. The pair later fell out and Duncan began running the operation himself, the court heard.Undercover cops used test purchasing methods to buy Class A drugs from Simms and Hargreaves.Officers then raided in September and arrested the four. A month later the hotel was the subject of a crack house closure order.Police estimated the dealers were making up to £3,000 a week, with up to 70 visitors a day, causing “misery” for people living nearby.The four pleaded guilty to the charge of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. Haylock pleaded guilty to an additional five charges of supplying Class A drugs.Michael Bosomworth, defending Duncan, said: “He accepts being the leading light from the time Graham Haylock and he fell out.”

Richard Hermann, defending Simms, said: “He has a genuine remorse. He has a real understanding of the effect drug dealing has on the wider community.”Judge Tony Briggs jailed Duncan, 38, of Denham Green, Pallister Park, Middlesbrough, for six years. Haylock, 29, of Newcomen Terrace, Redcar, was jailed for five years.
Hargreaves, 33, and Simms, 39, both also of Newcomen Terrace, were jailed for two and a half years.The judge said: “This was a serious conspiracy to supply Class A drugs.“It does not need me to tell you what misery Class A drugs cause. All you have to do is look at your respective life histories to see proof of it.”

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