Pedro Jose Benavides-Natera, goes on trial in Miami next month and more arrests may be forthcoming, thanks to a confidential informant who shed light on the drug-money-for-aircraft laundering scheme, the documents show.
The documents were filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida in October. In them, FBI agent Michael Hoenigman says the informant was "personally involved with a confederation of individuals" whose job was to scout out U.S. aircraft desired by Venezuela-based drug traffickers and help broker transactions to buy them to ferry cocaine shipments around the globe.Last year's arrest of Benavides was part of a more sweeping investigation of money laundering schemes aimed at uncovering the purchase of aircraft in the United States by South American traffickers, the court documents show.Steve Robertson, a spokesman at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in Washington, described the schemes as "very imaginative" since they involved the purchase of a tangible asset for multiple possible uses."In addition to the product, in this case an airplane that has a high resale value, it's something they can use to use for their smuggling," he said.
Pedro Jose Benavides-Natera, goes on trial in Miami next month
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