Thursday, 13 September 2007

Chief Executive of Action on Addiction

Lesley King-Lewis, Chief Executive of Action on Addiction, says:

"These findings are very worrying. As a nation, we need to be far more aware of the harmful effects that excess drinking can have on our health.

"Our concern is that many people don't realise that drinking too much alcohol simply exacerbates problems like stress and disturbed sleeping patterns - issues that survey participants said they were very worried about.

"These results further prove that Britain has a culture of binge drinking. Alcohol consumption in the UK is increasing, and we are sitting on a time-bomb that could threaten the health of the nation for generations to come if we do not act quickly."

There are up to 100 health conditions associated with drinking too much alcohol, and in particular 65% of suicide attempts are associated with alcohol. The Action on Addiction Alcohol Campaigning Group is calling for the Government to pursue effective policies that will have a real impact on the nation's mental and physical health.

We want the Government to consider implementing the three key points put forward by the Action on Addiction Alcohol Campaigning Group, which consists of over 30 leading alcohol experts from across the country.

To provide an alcohol worker in every hospital.
To tax drinks according to the amount of alcohol.
To put health warnings on alcohol bottles and at point of sale.

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