Thursday, 13 September 2007

Normal people do not stay up for 228 hours at a time

Normal people do not constantly look out the window to see if the cops are there every two minutes. Normal people, do not see people sitting in their cars, when really no one is there. Normal people do not stay up for 228 hours at a time,
Brittany, now healthy and speaking out about her story.
and wish they had money to pay their bills, wish they could get back custody of their son, and wish they could eat and sleep,. But no they are hooked on this evil thing called crystal methamphetamine. Normal people take care of their children, and do not take them to meth labs.

I began smoking pot in the 10th grade which led to many other things. I first used meth with I was 17 years old. If I wasn't pregnant or in rehab I was using this drug. I wish I never had.

My early days in using meth were not as heavy as what they were right before I quit. I still lived at home with my mom and dad, and I had to be careful. I would go out and smoke some meth and then come home and couldn't fall asleep all night, and then sleep the next day to make up for it. Then I would do it a couple days later. I also had a job when I was nineteen and I didn't get off until 12:00AM and I would do it right before I went home. I was always partying Normal people take care of their children, and do not take them to meth labs.
and stuff -- I liked the feeling it gave me, and the sense of power; I thought I was somebody. I'm a very outgoing person who is always on the go, and meth made me GO. In a sense I think some of it was done out of rebellion to my parents. I got kicked out of my house -- or really I got asked to leave if I couldn't abide by their rules, so I did. And I got really wild, and ended up living with whoever would let me live with them. During this time I got pregnant.

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