When we first met Alan Davies from Teesside a year ago he'd been clean from drugs for over a year, and his motto was 'one day at a time' - find out how he's doing now.
It hadn't just been the heroin, the amphetamines, the wobbly eggs, it had been anything he could lay his hands on, and anything he could lay his hands on extended to the means of paying for his habit.
He was a serial petty crook, even his closest acquaintances did not trust him.
Alan's received many letters of support
His partner in crime was his own son Stephen, encouraged as a teenager by Alan to join him in his lost world of drugs and crime.
Then one day Alan woke up in the street surrounded by strangers faces.
He thought he had died He wished he had. Instead, it changed his life.
A year on, those dark days are fading, but the depths Alan plumbed during his addiction, and the long battle to get clean are not things he wants to forget.
Instead he wants to share his experiences and use his example to help others to follow his path.
Now his proudest possession is his badge which marks him as an addiction mentor for a Teesside Health Trust.
He helps to plan treatment courses, and meets addicts in groups to talk to them about his story.
"Working with people with addictions is the greatest thing I have done in my life. "
Alan DaviesHe said: " When I appeared on Look North last year a lot of things happened to me. People wrote to me, not just addicts, but ordinary people who wanted to wish me well.
"Some of the letters from addicts were very moving, people going through the same things as I had and asking me to tell them they could get clean.
"That was a big responsibility for me. Every week people write to my website saying I have been an inspiration and have given them the courage to take on their addiction.
"Working with people with addictions is the greatest thing I have done in my life.
"When I was stealing to take drugs I put all of my effort into making sure I was successful at it.
Alan takes one day at a time
"Now I have something positive to put that energy into, and I'm just as determined to succeed this time round."
Not all of his efforts have been successful.
His attempt to persuade his son Stephen to kick the habit failed and months after leaving prison he was back inside, serving six years for drug-related violence, but Alan realises he still has work to do.
He said: "I will never say I have kicked drugs…I just take it one day at a time, even now, but now I have people who look up to me, and I know if I go back to my old ways, I am not just being a fool to myself, I am making myself a hypocrite to all these other people too."
Your comments:
Paul Brookes (National Treatment Agency for Substa
Alan kindly gave up his time to help me with the agency's 2004/05 annual report, where we featured him as a case study. Alan — from meeting you in person and hearing you on the radio, your life story and the work you now do are an encouragement and an example to everyone. Keep up the good work.
Karl Sheldon - Crack/cocaine Service - Addaction
When I met Alan, the first things that hit me were his positive outlook and his determination to go forward. I thought "this guy will do for me, he's got the attitude and experiences to make changes" I have really enjoyed working with you bud.Your imput on the Crack training we provide has been exceptional and thought provoking. You have shown, there is a way out of the all consuming darkness to a life in the light and your journey, without doubt, has given strength to others.You are an example of the incredible diversity of skills,knowledge that the people of the N/East possess. Top man.
Wayne Dobson
Alan what can i say old friend. So good to see you come out of the darkness and make a diffrence to people like us. I pinch myself everyday to make sure this aint a dream as ia m sure you do. Alan you are a real inspiration and we do have a voice people WANT to hear.
Eileen at St Mary's Centre
Alan, you are brilliant, you are a true inspiration for drug users - I hope you continue to succeed in everything you set out to do, especially the driving test!!! Keep up the good work. Luv from Eileen
lisa armes ov t boro
jst want to tell you how proud of you i am and how much youve helped me alan as a friend and ex user. i love chatting to you and you have always given me good advice and looked out for me. i wish you every success and happiness because you deserve it and have worked so hard to get were you are and "normal" people sometimes understand that. and if that makes us not normal or slightly different im proud of all our achievements because what others take for granted we know the true beauty of life itself! keep it up al and keep me laughing and get me on a computer i didnt even know how to switch the thing on 6 mnths ago lol now thats progress mate. love you always and thanx for ure example lisa xxx
Daren Garratt
My name is Daren Garratt and I am the Development Manager for a national charity called the Alliance (formerly Methadone Alliance); a peer-led organisation that provides advocacy and support for drug users. I had the pleasure and honour of meeting Alan at the national Criminal Justice Worker's forum in York last week, and was enthralled by his enthusiasm, commitment and desire to learn and support other people. In fact, I was that impressed that I'm hoping to do a lot more work with him as soon as possible. We've already discussed getting him some advocacy training, and I've offered to attend his group in Middlesbrough and do some work around harm reduction and effective user involvement. We're also looking to hook up and support another peer-led scheme in Liverpoool, and I've encouraged him to try and get funding to attend the National Injecting Conference in London next month. When you have the privelige of meeting front-line activists like Alan who work tirelessly without fanfare, then you have to hold onto them and give them all the encouragement and support you can. Middlesbrough DAT and the NTE North East Region are lucky to have such a dedicated asset as Alan, because as the Alliance looks to progress its Department of Health funded national Model of Advocacy, it's unsung heroes like Alan that are going to turn our goals into a reality.
Matthew Davies (BBC Radio Cleveland)
I interviewed Alan for my Radio Show and was captivated by his story but it was his recovery that really impressed me. Alan's new life shows the truth in this pearl of wisdom. Face the sun, the shadows will fall behind you.
keep up the good work son! best of luck for the future and keep the fight up! well done for the work you have done, it shows alot to alot of people. anyone can do anything, no matter what situation your in. good on ya!! x
Tony Goldfinkle
keep up your good work mate you can do it, i have been reading and following you all the way from first reading about you in the gazette stay solid best of luck Tony Goldfinkle
Alan's story had a significance for me because I know someone on crack who let me down recently. She was from Middlesbrough. I understand her better now and I am not so judgemental. She thinks only of herself but perhaps she can one day be like Alan is now.
mark tunney
alan you are a wonderfull person who i am honoured to have as a friend. thank you for giving me hope and support my helping me stay clean and serine one day at a time.i hope you will stay part of my life for a long time to come. your pal mark
kim walker
hi alan wee mans sister here just read all about you and a big pat on the back to you all good things will come 2 you as long as you stay clean this is when live begins god bless kim x
I Just want to say how proud I am of you Alan for being here today, I am so proud that you are able to tell your story and encourage others to fight this battle as well. You are an insperation to all who read your story, you touch so many peoples hearts, I want to say that what Alan says is only part of the horendus past that Alan lived, but he is determind and strong enough to see it through. I am so proud of you taking your driving Alan and Studying for you N.V.Q. when you have this qualification you will be able to do a job that you love Helping others. If you look up Hope in the dictionary you will see Alan Davies next to it, as this is what you are Hope to all the other addicts out there. Alan has came a long way in the past 3 years and has had his ups and down like everybody else, but mostley they have been ups. He has a talant that he shares with others and that is understandment. he never takes credit for the love and warmth that he shows to so many people, so I am here to say, Well done sweetheart we are all so proud of you, keep up the good work and keep smiling and touching hearts... love you loads. your Katie xxxx
stevie walker
well done mate!!!you inspire me every day to stay clean!! this is something all the agences in the world could never achieve with me!! all the methadone programs up and down the countrycould never do what you have done to help me stay clean!!! thanks mate!! big love in recovery stevie
As a chronic alcoholic who has been sober for a year, I just want to support everything Alan is doing - I know how difficult it is when you have been dependent on a substance for so long. Good on you mate!
Alan Davies from Teesside a year ago he'd been clean from drugs for over a year, and his motto was 'one day at a time' - find out how he's doing now.
Posted by El NACHO with No comments
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