Tuesday, 22 July 2008

James Douglas Willson retired Des Plaines pilot convicted of international drug trafficking in Morocco

Imprisoned since early May,James Douglas Willson was convicted after a Cessna 337 he reportedly was flying was seized by Moroccan police on a rural road, according to a statement from the Moroccan news agency.retired Des Plaines pilot convicted of international drug trafficking in Morocco isn't getting adequate medical care and may not survive his 7-year prison sentence, a family member says.
James Douglas Willson, 67, suffers from diabetes and kidney failure and has lost 35 pounds, said his daughter, Marilyn Brief."My dad's body is shutting down," Brief said. "He's dying."Willson piloted the twin-engine plane and landed it in Morocco to load drugs, according to the statement, which said two Moroccans also received prison sentences. Brief and Mouafik Anis, Willson's Moroccan attorney, said that Willson was a passenger on the plane, which took off in Spain but was forced to make an emergency landing in Morocco.A friend of Willson's recently delivered the plane to Spain and asked him to take a training flight with the pilot to make sure he could use the equipment, Brief said.After the emergency landing, Willson was arrested, although no drugs were found on him or in the plane, Anis said during a telephone interview from Morocco."How can we charge someone with trafficking drugs when we did not find any drugs?" Anis said. "You must find drugs."Willson was sentenced June 16. The case is in the appeals process, Anis said.Willson is at a disadvantage in the Moroccan court system, according to Anis, who said he isn't always given advance notice of court dates. It is up to him, he said, to provide translations for his client.The U.S. Embassy in Morocco referred all questions to U.S. State Department officials in Washington, D.C.Steve Royster, a State Department spokesman, said he could not say whether the embassy was involved in ensuring a translator was present at Willson's court proceedings. But he said at least one hearing was postponed because a translator was not available.Royster said the consular office in Morocco made sure Willson's U.S. health records were sent to the prison doctor."Whenever an American is detained overseas, we have a role to make sure he's getting access to the legal system and conditions that are humane," he said.Representatives have visited Willson twice and spoken to him on the phone several times.The consular staff also speaks to Willson's attorney almost daily and the prison doctor regularly, he said.
The consular staff reported that Willson is about to be transferred to a larger prison with a better medical facility. Embassy officials also worked with Willson's attorney to make sure the family could visit him in prison in June.
"We're continuing to monitor the case," Royster said.
U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) said he has talked with Brief and helped her get in touch with government officials to assist her father.
"I just can't imagine what [she] is going through," he said.
Willson is housed in a facility without a roof or air conditioning, Brief said.
During his career, Willson flew planes for Ryan's Aviation and Atlas Air cargo carrier out of O'Hare International Airport, she said.
The Chicago native also worked as a pilot for Midway Airlines, a commercial airline that was based at Midway Airport.
My dad has only been an upright citizen—an ordinary, working man," Brief said. "It's like they think my father is disposable, and he's not!"

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