Shawn Sadler, aka Tagulifu Barber or Carlos T. Watts, 37, of Ladson, was sentenced to 20 years and 10 years of supervised release. Sandy Sandiford, 37, of New York, was sentenced to 5 years, 10 months in prison, and five years supervised release.
Sadler and Sandiford were arrested in July 2002 sitting in a car outside a Northeast Richland County home after a deputy found $120,000 in cash in the trunk. Officers obtained a search warrant and found more than seven kilograms of cocaine inside the home and a car with electronically controlled hidden compartments for drug smuggling in the garage. Service records found inside indicated Sadler had driven the car.Other members of the conspiracy have been sentenced.
Shawn Sadler, aka Tagulifu Barber or Carlos T. Watts sentenced to 20 years and 10 years of supervised release.
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