Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Martin Wanden,Perry Wharrie,Joe Daly each denied three charges including possessing cocaine for sale or supply at Dunlough Bay on July 2nd 2007.

The three were convicted of possessing cocaine for sale or supply. They were arrested after their boat capsized. During the 42-day trial, the court heard "some idiot" had put diesel into the engine instead of petrol. Perry Wharrie, 48, of Pryles Lane, Essex, Joe Daly, 41, of Carisbrook Avenue, Bexley, and Martin Wanden, 45, of no fixed address, also known as Anthony Claud Linden, had denied the charges. On 2 July last year, a stranger ran into a farmhouse near Mizen Head in west Cork looking for help for a companion with whom he had been fishing, he claimed, when their boat overturned in rough seas. The farmer called the emergency services who saved the man's life but they also recovered 61 suspicious packages floating in the water around the upturned rigid inflatable boat. Perry Wharrie (48) of Pyrles Lane, Loughton, Essex and Joe Daly (41) of Carrisbrooke Avenue, Bexley, Kent each denied three charges including possessing cocaine for sale or supply at Dunlough Bay on July 2nd 2007.The jury deliberated for six hours.The huge haul of cocaine which weighs over 1,500 kilos was recovered from Dunlough Bay at the end of the Mizen Peninsula by gardai and customs officers assisted by local coastguard units, an Irish Coastguard helicopter and both Castletownbere and Baltimore lifeboats.The jury of nine men and two women saw CCTV footage from a number of premises in west Cork, as well as at Pembroke Docks on the night a boat later found in Dunlough Bay was brought to Ireland.The jury began their deliberations at Cork Circuit Criminal Court this morning by viewing CCTV footage from the Harbour View Hotel in Schull on the night of July 1st 2007 - the night before the drug smuggling operation went awry.

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